Why Use an Air Curtain?

November 21 , 2023

Temperature + Environmental Separation

A core function of an air curtain is its ability to separate temperatures/separate environments. Whether you’re blocking frigid winter winds from entering through a customer entrance door or separating two interior rooms, air curtains create an invisible barrier to prevent the mixing of one environment with another. In Cold Storage applications, the mixing of refrigerated air with ambient air can create safety hazards such as ice, fog and moisture buildup. Air curtains help prevent this while lessening the strain on the unit’s cooling refrigeration.

Energy Savings

Air curtains effectively separate environments and complement your building’s primary HVAC system, helping drive down costs by lessening the need for the system to constantly be running. While an open door may signal a booming business, it also lets the inside/conditioned air leak out and the outside air seep in. Air curtains prevent the inside air from escaping and the outside air from entering. In turn, the HVAC system will not have to work as hard. Ultimately, this can lead to considerable cost savings.

Increased Comfort for Customers and Employees

Whether a large dock door or a customer front door, the infiltration of unconditioned outside air can make life miserable for those close to the door. That can easily and negatively affect productivity, well-being, performance and sales.


Perhaps one of the most important and overlooked benefits of an air curtain is its ability to improve the level of safety on doors where it operates. The downward stream of air helps keep the floor free of slipping hazards like water and ice buildup. In busy warehouses, air curtains are an ideal replacement for grimy, dirty strip curtains that impair visibility, which can be particularly dangerous in forklift zones. UVC-based air curtains use UVC light to kill airborne viruses before recirculating clean air back into an area.

Bug Out

Air curtains deter flying pests from entering workplaces. For restaurants and food service industries, this is imperative as insect problems can impact the bottom line. Air curtains create a barrier that significantly reduces flying insects from entering without impacting workflow. As curbside and touchless delivery grows in popularity, air curtains complement these doors by creating a barrier that keeps bugs out but allows for unfettered ingress and egress.


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